3 Healthier Fashion Decisions You Could Be Making Right Now

Do you ever get the feeling that your wardrobe needs to be updated? Even though we gather many clothes, work on our outfits and generally have a lot of fun with style, sometimes, we can feel stuffy, and in need of a change.
It’s not always easy to define how that change can come about. To figure it out, it’s best to look to the basics. What is it that style gives you, in particular? Does it help you feel more confident, or has it helped you unlock your flair after pregnancy? Do you feel as though you’ve been wearing the same clothes for some time, and wish to inject a little color into the palette of your daily life?
Or, perhaps you’re just really interested in being able to wear whatever’s in your wardrobe without having to fear being caught out without an outfit to wear for an occasion.
In this post, we’ll help you untether yourself from those feelings of stuffiness and stagnation, and instead help you learn to love your style again, with these three healthy decisions you could be making right now:

Dress For You, No One Else
It’s important to dress for you and no one else. This might sound silly, because of course there are some common social norms many of us adhere to (being dressed, for one), but we doubt that you’ll go ‘all out and overboard’ should you try and give yourself a little more freedom.
Perhaps you want to try that new hat, or a new accessory, or dying your hair a wacky color. Why should you feel limited and unable to do that? Keeping this in mind can help you dress for yourself and no one else, just as you deserve to.
Consider Ethical Fashion
It’s important to consider ethical fashion to the degree you can exercise it. For instance, Australian Sunglasses have been designed to ensure biodegradability of 110 days in composting situations, rather than the thousands of years it takes other plastics to dissolve.
Ethical fashion also involves cruelty-free manufacturing, and making sure that you don’t purchase from companies that use sweatshops abroad in order to lower their costs. Vote with your purse, and you’ll make a real difference.
Choose New & Exciting Fashion Stores
There are many excellent fashion stores out there. From small startups crafting their goods themselves, to event small enterprises like podcasts that cover important topics and sell their own merch as a means of going forward.
Furthermore, there are also stores that make inclusivity a big pursuit, like crafting gender-neutral clothing, or making sure to cater to plus size women, or even makeup brands that now take into account every skin tone, which of course, should have been more common decades ago.
Supporting the practices we like to see can be a healthy means of feeling proud in the clothes you’re wearing, and not only because they look great.

With this advice, you’re sure to make healthier fashion decisions and look brilliant while doing so.