6 Self-Love Tips for the Cold Winter Months
Summer is teeming with outdoor activities, warm nights and all-round good vibes. As the days shorten and the night begins to draw in before you even get home from work, it can start to feel like the positive energy is being blown away by the icy air.
Seasonal Affective Disorder is a real thing and is sometimes known as winter depression as it commonly occurs in autumn and winter due to lack of sunlight. Making sure you nurture your mind and body during this time is essential, and you can do this by following these six tips for some winter self-loving.
1. Pamper Yourself
Having a proper pamper routine that you do everyday makes a whole world of difference to your mindset. Make sure you set out time every day, in the morning or evening (or even better – both), to cleanse your body, moisturise, and complete your skin care routine in peace and with no time restraints.
Indulge in a warm bubble bath every now and then to relax your mind and body – you deserve it.
2. Journal
Thoughts and feelings need to be understood and processed for you to deal with them in the most effective way. Journaling puts them onto paper and is a great way to release any bundled-up emotions you may have or to remind yourself that you are a strong woman, and you are in control of your life.
3. Relax and Get Cosy
Your home should be your safe-haven, and a place where you can forget about the worries of the world and curl up with a hot drink to watch a film. Spending time doing nothing is a form of self-care, and it is very much needed. There’s nothing better than getting all snuggly in front of the fireplace, and you’ll find the perfect stove or fireplace design at sites like stonewoods.co.uk.
4. Exercise
It can be hard to find the motivation, especially in winter, but exercise always leaves you with a new lease of life. It benefits both your physical and mental health, so it cannot be forgotten during in winter.
Avoid the cold by joining indoor classes, like yoga or Zumba, or doing home workouts. You are not adequately practicing self-love if you are not keeping your body healthy.
5. Enjoy the Changes
Appreciate the natural beauty of winter. Go on a walk through the forest and see how the leaves set the tree-tops on fire, notice how the icy grass crunches under foot, and admire how the puddles freeze over. Get outside for 30 minutes every day to absorb some nature and winter sun.
6. Socialise
Spending time with friends is a guaranteed mood-booster. Host a dinner party, go out for some drinks, or take a weekend trip. Socialise, have some fun and get support from those that you love and who love you. Social interaction is integral to our wellbeing, so make sure you do enough of it.
Sometimes positivity can dwindle in the winter months, but giving yourself some well-deserved self-loving can keep the good energy thriving all year round.