A Few Ways To Make Your Summer This Year The Best One Yet
Summer is most people’s favorite time of year, tanned skin, swimming in the pool, hot weather, ice creams, and spending time outside and right now in Australia its summer! There is so much to do and so little time to do it.
Enjoying the summer can sometimes feel pressured and you are trying to think about how to enjoy yourself more than actually just enjoying yourself.
Here are some ideas so you can have them planned and ready for the summer ahead so you can just sit back, relax and enjoy soaking up the vitamin D.
A Simple Garden Party
Garden parties don’t tend to take too much time to organize as you don’t need to overdo any decor just make sure your garden is presentable.
A few ways to make it look more appealing are by hanging some fairy lights, make sure you have some gorgeous plants on show, and do a bit of gardening to neaten things up before the party. Once the BBQ is on, people are standing around catching up and having a drink everyone will be too busy enjoying themselves.
There are some great options for outdoor party games as well to keep things lively for example the giant board games that you play in the garden like Jenga and Noughts and Crosses. Playing these after a few cocktails will be sure to create some laughs and memorable moments.
Time To Party On A Boat
Now if this doesn’t scream summer activity to remember forever I don’t know what does. If you haven’t heard of party boats then you are surely missing out. It is a trendy lavish way to celebrate any upcoming occasion. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries or simply just to have a party and spend time with your friends and family.
A party where you can change into your swimwear and take a dip in the ocean will surely be something everyone will be talking about long after the event. A great way to show off what an amazing party hostess you are. It doesn’t have to be too costly and you can rent a party boat to save some money on the occasion.
Make Your Own Cocktail Night
Sometimes you just need a girl’s night in and what better way than catching up over cocktails and relaxing in the garden or even inside watching your favorite girly film.
You can make the night even better by mixing your own cocktails and even making up a new drink you designed yourself!
Everyone can bring some alcohol and mixers to make it cheaper, then you can start experimenting and trying out different concoctions. Although you won’t want to try mixing too many otherwise you won’t remember it in the morning!
Have A Picnic In The Park
Sitting out in the sunshine is certainly one of the highpoints of the summer, showing off your new outfits and topping up the tan. Going to a gorgeous park and taking a picnic along with friends and family is a great way to spend the afternoon.
With Picnics it doesn’t take much planning and work as everyone can bring something to eat or drink and then pop it in the middle on a blanket then everyone can just dig in. You can get some amazing pictures so you can remember them always and cherish the great times you had.
A Day At The Beach
Is it even summer if you don’t go to the beach? I don’t think so! You need the 3 S’s, sun, sand, and sea!
Making sandcastles, enjoying ice cream, and taking a dip in the ocean is a perfect afternoon. You can even go one step further and try surfing or any other water sports that take your fancy. You never know, you might find a new passion!
If you take some lunch or even grab something from a local cafe you can easily spend the whole day at the beach. Just remember to take sunscreen and your sunglasses!

Have A Friendly Water Fight
It is a great and budget-friendly way to spend a summer afternoon. Invite your friends and family over for a fantastically fun afternoon.
Grab the water guns, fill up the water balloons and then choose your teammates then all you need to do is go for it! It is a great way to spend time with the kids in the family and all bond more.
Take A Road Trip
One advantage of summer is that if you have your driver’s license you can see places you haven’t before without spending a fortune on travel expenses.
A great way to spend a week or even a couple of weeks in the summer is to plan a road trip and visit a few places you’ve always wanted to visit. If you are planning a road trip make sure you clean out your car beforehand and stock up on some car snacks for the journey.
You could be driving for a while so having some snacks in the car is a must-have. You will want to make a road trip playlist as well so you can listen to your favorite summer songs and all sing along on the way. It will make the journey so much more fun!
Go Camping
With the weather being more predictable in the summer and knowing you will have heat and dryness for a long period a camping trip is a perfect activity to do in the summer.
You can explore the outdoors, what nature has to offer but don’t forget to take some of your luxuries with you to make the trip suited to you.
That could be a portable toilet, your favorite foods so you don’t have to try and hunt anything and you can even an air bed and your duvets from home so you can comfortably and sleep in style!

Summer is a great time to do things you wouldn’t normally do, see places, catch up with loved ones and enjoy the wonderful weather! What will you be up to this summer?