BooHoo Collaboration

Summer is fast-approaching and we can finally hit the sandy beaches to make the most of the sunny hot weather.
Luckily, there are a million different ways to have a great time out in the sun, from sipping cocktails under a shady parasol to playing games and swimming in the sea.
One of the beaches I love to go to is Torquay in Victoria, which is about twenty minutes away from Geelong (and if you’re from Melbourne, its about 70 minutes away). Torquay has it all! Home to the world famous Bells Beach and the birth place of iconic surf brands, Torquay is the surfing capital of Australia and it’s the official start of the gorgeous Great Ocean Road. If you can , try to come down to Torquay, go check it out for yourself. You will love it!
When I’m down at the beach, I usually like to have a walk around the local area, checking some of the stores and surf shops, and even sit down for a quick meal and/or a coffee.
After a while I then make my way down to the sandy beach and assume the rest of my day filled with relaxation of lying down, walking along the beach and even, splashing about in the sea. I always make sure I’m sun smart and apply the 50+ sun cream!
The whole outfit that I’m wearing is ready to go from day to evening, with the Mannesa Aztec Print Fringed Swimsuit which has a very Miami feel about it.
The swimsuit is modest but extremely sexy in an understated way without it being too in your face. And ladies, I can tell you its very comfortable, no unfortunate wedgies at all and the tassles just give you that ‘showgirl’ feeling that I fell in love with.
I combined the swimsuit with the gorgeous Emma Fringed Beach Kimono, Laura Aviator Sunglasses, and the colour of the moment, my favourite (or should that be, obsession) rose gold in the Rosie Peeptoe Two Part Sandals.
Adding to that as well the must have Boutique Amber Oversized Floppy Hat, giving it a 70’s style vibe glamour, along with the Mara Double Thigh High Skirt – all of this together taking it from a simple stylish swimsuit from day to a stylish sexy evening outfit. Simple and perfect.


Remember, not only can you wear the popular traditional beach and surf wear brands to the beach, but make sure to check out BooHoo too for their quality and affordable swimwear range too.
Oh! And don’t forget to also check out their sandals and accessories to go along with your new swimwear. 24/7 fabulousness!

Style and Life by Susana
December 26, 2016Thank you so much @disqus_gantoplxUR:disqus thank you for dropping by and commenting xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
December 23, 2016Thank you @disqus_VGg0ayt41z:disqus have a happy & safe Christmas xx Susana
December 21, 2016Boohoo is one of my favorite stores ever! I can always count on them to deliver affordable and trendy stuff. That bikini looks amazing on you 🙂
Style and Life by Susana
December 21, 2016Thank you so much, Danielle @followmygut:disqus thank you so much for stopping by. Wishing you a happy & safe Christmas xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
December 21, 2016Thank you @glennymah:disqus xx Susana
December 21, 2016that’s such a cute swimsuit!!! Id rather be on the beach right now!
Style and Life by Susana
December 21, 2016Thank you for commenting again lovely xx hope you are well. Merry christmas xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
December 21, 2016@disqus_HVed98b3bw:disqus their shipping at almost a week, maybe a day or two under a week xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
December 21, 2016Thank you so much @ref_j:disqus xx Susana
Kemi Odesola
December 20, 2016Love the kimono!!! Wish I was on the beach somewhere right now!!
December 20, 2016I love your swimsuit and that kimono is fabulous! I’ve heard of Boohoo but have never ordered from them before. I’ll definitely have to check them out for summer swimwear. Was the shipping fast as well?
Ref J
December 20, 2016This suit is incredible! I love the fringe and print. Those metallic heels are too cute, I need those in my life asap!
Style and Life by Susana
December 20, 2016Awww thank you so much lovely @beyondblessedblog:disqus have a wonderful Christmas xx Susana
Chloé Arnold
December 20, 2016This suit is stunning and you look gorgeous!!!! Might have to pick one up for myself!
Style and Life by Susana
December 20, 2016Fabulous! @missyburson:disqus thank you for commenting. Have a lovely christmas xx Susana
Missy Burson
December 20, 2016I loooove the black fringed kimono and metallic heels! I’m a big Boo Hoo fan already, so thanks for the reminder to check out their latest arrivals!
Style and Life by Susana
December 20, 2016Thank you so much @jm_kayne_miyake:disqus ..I can tell you that I was scared to wear this swimsuit as its been years since I’ve worn one 😀 xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
December 20, 2016Thank you so much lovely @disqus_AsU4uPdj83:disqus hope you have a lovely Christmas xx Susana
Stephanie Rose
December 20, 2016What an outfit you’ve put together. That swimsuit is amazing and I love the way you’ve styled it all the way from the club to the sand.
Style and Life by Susana
December 20, 2016Have a great vacation @cassandraericson:disqus xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
December 20, 2016Thank you @travelpockets:disqus the aztec pattern is gorgeous! thank you for your lovely comments xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
December 20, 2016Well, I can say when I received the swimsuit the same thoughts ran through my head *LOL* @kirsty_hoggons:disqus thank you for your lovely comments xx Susana
Cassandra Ericson
December 20, 2016I need a bathing suit for vacation next month- definitely checking out more fringe styles- this looks like fun!
Travel Pockets
December 20, 2016You rock this bathing suit! I’m really into one piece suits lately and this one has a great pattern. The fringe is lovely too 🙂 Great photos!
Kirsty Hoggons
December 19, 2016I do not know if I would be brave enough to wear that swimming costume but it looks gorgeous on you! I do love those shoes though and wouldn’t mind a pair in my wardrobe! x
Style and Life by Susana
December 19, 2016Thank you so much @thestylebounty:disqus xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
December 18, 2016Thank you so much @kemi_odesola:disqus xx Susana
Kemi Odesola
December 17, 2016Wow looking good girl!!! Congratulations on the collaboration ?
Style and Life by Susana
December 15, 2016#winning <3
Style and Life by Susana
December 15, 2016😀 thanks babe! @aditiparashar:disqus thank you for your supportive words, means alot xx Susana
Aditi Parashar
December 15, 2016There’s my favourite girl looking suave af. Esply love the water shots! xx
Lenka Hazuchová
December 15, 2016Yay, they have an international shipping!
Style and Life by Susana
December 15, 2016Awww thank you so much @lenkahazuchov:disqus the heels aren’t that expensive at all and the colour is gorgeous!! xx Susana
Lenka Hazuchová
December 15, 2016Wow, you look like a bad-ass! I love these aztec prints and those heels are to die for! Absolutely stunning. ❤
Style and Life by Susana
December 15, 2016Thank you @anais_du_pont:disqus xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
December 15, 2016😀 thank you @disqus_9L2en4aJnk:disqus xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
December 15, 2016Thank you for those lovely supportive words @jacintathomas:disqus xx Susana
Anais Du Pont
December 14, 2016You look absolutely gorgeous! I want that bathing suit and those heels!!!! ❤❤❤
Rebecca Bennett
December 14, 2016I love that swimsuit!! That is STUNNING!!! I’m going to buy that!! You look freaking gorgeous ❤
Jacinta Thomas
December 14, 2016You look absolutely gorgeous! Love the outfit!! Perfection!!! Congratulations! You deserve this and so much more!