(Cue in the fingers tapping nervously on the table… Rat-tat-tat. Rat-tat-tat. Repeatedly)
(I turn my head to look to the left, then to the right, back to the left again and then back to looking straight ahead… waiting anxiously for the first arrival of my blind date).
Welcome to my first ever post!
First blind dates are always exciting but ever so nerve wracking. I’m sitting here freaking excited but nervous as hell.  Why? Well, because it’s my first ever blog and I have this happy, nervous butterfly like feeling deep inside the pit of my stomach about all of this.
OK, so my blog is all about my love for fashion, accessories, beauty & skin care but also about health, inspiration, spirituality, lifestyle and IVF. Yep, that last one came a bit out of left field, didn’t it?
Now what makes my blog different to everyone else’s?
Well, what I’m wanting to do is push the boundaries of what an actual blog is meant to be all about.
An example of what I mean:
Well, such as when I talk about a beauty or skin care product that I love or not so much love, I will give you honest information about the product & actually show you the real reason why if its a YAY or a NAY… basically, the beauty and the beast.
I don’t want to give you a fluffy, yep its so great blah blah blah, look how great I look, it only cost a few hundred (or thousand) dollars, you should try/go buy it too… a  lot of the time’s I’m just not able to relate to some of those blogs. Nothing wrong with them at all, but I just like to be able to relate to it in some way or another.
Now I admit I love everything that’s all about glamour, style and beauty but I’m also about keeping it real. I’m definitely no model, although I wish I was haha!… but I’m basically an open book. I am a tad weird and eccentric. I am all about being staying true to yourself and being authentic. I was bullied as a kid in primary and high school, and even in some work places as an adult, so I have grown to accept who I am and loving all the quirkiness and uniqueness of my personality. If others just don’t accept who I am, well that’s their loss.
The world today is becoming more superficial as times goes on and at times its OK… but for the inner peace, acceptance and soul survival, its just not realistic.
“The true brilliance of an artist is that not only do they reveal their talent and beauty but also their suffering and pain” (my own personal quote-saying)
I will give you straight up, honest reviews and my personal thoughts with no bull. I will go the hard yard and reveal the actual facts… I am willing to put myself out there.
I severely love fashion and I am here to show you that on any budget how you can look AMAZING just like as if you had spent quite a lot of money on your outfits, beauty & skin care products. Look, I’m a die hard bargain hunter. I want to look good but without looking cheap (or tacky). I will show you designer brands at discount prices (yes they really do exist). I combine designer, high street, vintage and basic cheap finds into essential pieces that every wardrobe must have.
And by including IVF with my blog, well… I have been doing IVF for over three years and its been the most severe mind game torment, soul crushing, heart breaking pain that I have ever experienced in all of my life. Only in the past year I have encountered a lot of information (through my own sheer will & warrior determination) that I wish I had known before starting IVF or even after the first cycle, which could have reduced so much money that has been spent, time wasted & perhaps lessen the heart break by even just a little bit.
I am here to share it all to anyone (male or female) who might be thinking about starting IVF or who already is on that journey. I want to be able to help people in any which way I possibly can, pass on valuable & important information that I wish I had known at the very start of my journey (just things that fertility doctors & clinics don’t pass onto their patients for whatever reasons).
You may find my odd but loveable sense of humour slightly peppered throughout my posts on the odd occasions.
I do hope you that enjoy yourself and want to come back and see me again (and again and again)… well, you get the hint.  I sincerely do hope so (cue in the nervous finger tapping again).
So, did you want another latte or perhaps a piece of chocolate mud cake? ☕
Style and Life by Susana
March 21, 2017Thank you lovely, means alot to me xx Susana
Lea H
March 20, 2017Loved reading through it. Always great to get to know about the face behind the blog.
Lea, xx
Style and Life by Susana
March 20, 2017Thank you so much! xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
March 20, 2017Thank you so much xx Susana
March 20, 2017“You may find my odd but loveable sense of humour slightly peppered throughout my posts on the odd occasions.” This quote literally sums up my entire blog!! Great post btw xx
Emma | http://www.brooklynisburning.co
March 20, 2017I love how conversational this post is
Style and Life by Susana
February 2, 2017Thank you so much @isalyholland:disqus that truly mens so much to me xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
January 12, 2017Thank you so much babe @stylelullaby:disqus xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
January 12, 2017Thank you @annanuttall:disqus xx Susana
Sharon Wu
January 12, 2017What a lovely first post! You’ve definitely come far and I admire you for being so honest and open on your posts. Thanks for sharing xo, sharon
Style and Life by Susana
January 11, 2017Thank you so much @disqus_HVed98b3bw:disqus I really appreciate your lovely kind words, means alot to me xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
January 11, 2017Thank you so much @glennymah:disqus xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
January 11, 2017Thank you so much @disqus_QRgdgAVopT:disqus xx Susana
January 11, 2017Wow congrats on the first post girl! I love your honesty, many people aren’t transparent when it comes to blogging but I admire your realness and how genuine you are. It really comes across in your writing. I also think many people will benefit from learning about your IVF journey.
January 11, 2017oh wow its been almost a full year of bloggin! congrats girl. and great intro to your blog. I love it when people are honest in their post and its not just all about photos 😉
Amanda Marie
January 11, 2017Great first post! Oh the struggles of fertility, I totally get it. And the information out there can be so hard to sift through and at a lot of times, confusing!
Style and Life by Susana
January 11, 2017Thank you @disqus_VGg0ayt41z:disqus xx Susana
January 11, 2017Your humor is what will get you through this difficult time and help you get what you’ve been hoping for. Keep the faith 🙂
Style and Life by Susana
January 11, 2017Thank you @christinagalbato:disqus xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
January 11, 2017Thank you for commenting @shwetashah:disqus xx Susana
Christina Galbato
January 11, 2017Lovely first post!! Your honesty is admirable and incredible 🙂
Shweta Shah
January 10, 2017congratulations on your first post. I appreciate that you will be honest as its hard to be when money is involved and I know alot of bloggers may not!
Style and Life by Susana
January 10, 2017Thank you so much @disqus_AsU4uPdj83:disqus I really apprecappreciate it xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
January 10, 2017Thank you so much @travelpockets:disqus it means a-lot to me your lovely words & support xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
January 10, 2017🙂 Thank you @missyburson:disqus xx Susana
Stephanie Rose
January 10, 2017This is so cute. We started our blogs around the same time. I love your style and honest product reviews. You’ve accomplished so much in the first year!
Travel Pockets
January 10, 2017This is such a great intro to your blog. I love that your reviews are honest. It’s hard to tell these days when someone is getting paid to right a good review of if they genuinely love the products they share. Keep up the great work. We love reading your posts 🙂
Missy Burson
January 10, 2017I started my blog because I was tired of seeing fashion and decor posts for clothing or furniture that was so expensive I’d need to sell a kidney in order to afford it. Kudos on starting another “keeping it real” blog:)
Style and Life by Susana
January 10, 2017Thank you @nehakumari xx Susana
Neha kumari
January 10, 2017Great post for your first blog. And you have a good sense of humor as well.
Style and Life by Susana
January 8, 2017So very true @disqus_0rNti9vFTZ:disqus xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
January 8, 2017Thank you so much @ashneverson:disqus xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
January 8, 2017Thank you so much @disqus_FPDPUUd6FO:disqus xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
January 8, 2017Awwww thank you so much @terezacityscapebliss:disqus that means alot to me xx Susana
January 8, 2017I’m always telling the truth even if I don’t like something. Which is hard as you don’t want to piss of your sponsors^^
xo Sabrina from https://breena.me
Ash Neverson
January 8, 2017I’ll have a mud cake! ? Beautiful writing and great sense of humor!
Jasmine Watson
January 8, 2017I adore your writing style and honesty x
Tereza Cityscape Bliss
January 7, 2017A piece of mud cake please! And a definitely loveable sense of humour, I love your writing:) x
Style and Life by Susana
January 7, 2017Thank you so much @rellkiri:disqus xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
January 7, 2017Thank you my lovely @lenkahazuchov:disqus for those lovely kind words. I’ve always been of an expressive writer xx Susana
Rell Kiri
January 7, 2017Well done on starting your blog and great first post! Will be keeping up 🙂
Foirell | http://www.citygirlrell.com
Lenka Hazuchová
January 7, 2017Great post dear! I wish I could write like you from the very beginning. 🙂 You have so much confidence, and I really admire it! xo
Style and Life by Susana
January 4, 2017Awwww thank you so much @aditiparashar:disqus that truly means so much to me, as I am forever questioning myself as a blogger. You have a beautiful soul, thank you xx Susana
Aditi Parashar
January 2, 2017You were such an aware blogger from the beginning and while I read this today, I can only say that you’ve grown tremendously!