There’s so much choice when it comes to TV now. It’s never been easier to watch TV of all types from around the world. With a few clicks or taps, you can get access to pretty much anything you might want to watch. For some people, all of these choices can be a little overwhelming.

How can you make sure you’re watching the right stuff? How do you avoid missing the best TV, especially when there’s a chance it could leave a streaming platform before you have time to watch it? If you want to make sure you don’t miss out, try these tips.

Use a Recommendation App/Website

With such a vast array of things to watch, separating the wheat from the chaff is not always easy. You don’t want to waste your time on stuff that doesn’t interest you or isn’t entertaining. So where can you start? One thing you might find helpful is to use a recommendation app or website that will give you suggestions.

Tools like Narrative Muse can suggest movies and TV shows for you to watch based on what you’re interested in. Whether you want to stick to what you know or expand your horizons, you can discover new things to watch.

Read (or Watch) Reviews

Reviews have always been a good way of discovering things to watch. They can suggest what’s worth your time and which shows you might not want to bother with. Finding a few reviewers, you trust can be really helpful. Once you know that you generally can trust their opinion to align with yours, you can rely on them to recommend things for you. You can read reviews from newspapers, blogs or websites. Or you could watch reviews on platforms like YouTube or TikTok if you prefer to listen to someone talk about their recommendations.

Get Access to Any Streaming Service

One reason you might miss out on some good TV is if you don’t have access to the streaming service you need. This is particularly true for shows on streaming services you can’t access locally. You do have the option to explore how to watch Hulu in Australia, even though it’s usually only available in the US, as well as other streaming services. Some Hulu content is on Disney+ but you may need to use other methods, such as a VPN to access all of the shows you want to watch.

Swap Recs with Friends and Family

Friends and family can be the best source of recommendations for TV and movies. If you know you share the same tastes, it makes sense to listen to them when they suggest things you should watch. It also means you can talk about what you’ve watched together, and you’re not left out of the conversation. Swapping recommendations can be part of the fun too, so you can suggest things for them to watch if you get there first.

There’s no need to miss out on the best TV shows. You can keep up with ease when you know where to watch and how to get recommendations.

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