Express yourself, don't repress yourself

[ctt template=”8″ link=”CTx1R” via=”no” ]”There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being herself; unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. Never apologising for showing her feelings, sharing her thoughts. To me, that is true essence of beauty.” – Dr. Steve Maraboli.[/ctt]
When I first started this blog over fifteen months ago, I finally realised my dream of starting up my own fashion and lifestyle blog. I had wanted to for so many many years but allowed fear to get in the way of my dreams and passion.
I was so very afraid of what my friends, family, co-workers – basically anybody thinking what did I have to offer to the world, that would make me special or worthy for anyone wanting to see what I have to say or show.
If you have been following my blog for a while, then you know that I pretty much say it as it is. No bullshit. I don’t and won’t hold back. I tell you the ins and outs, and have  also revealed a few things that I have gone through in my life.
I am of the belief that if I am going to talk about a topic, whether it is a personal one (IVF or anxiety) or something that I have some actual knowledge in, then I’m going to back it up by sharing my story, giving you some sort of actual proof. I can’t expect someone to know that I am an expert on a topic if I haven’t in someway experienced it. Not get it from a text book. Thats just cheating the system and also a down right lie.
There are a couple of top bloggers who have said that you shouldn’t reveal anything personal as it will turn a reader off. I call bullshit. I completely disagree with that. When I first started my IVF journey I searched for people online that shared their experience, just so I could find someone who I could relate to in regards to my pain, to my heartache, to my experience.
Maybe I am wrong, maybe I shouldn’t be so open… but I don’t want be a door to door salesman (if you know what I mean). I believe in being your authentic self, all of the quirks and sparkles, being honest, raw, being OK with who you are and standing proud.
I know I maybe slightly a little tiny bit, ‘older’ than most bloggers out there who have launched their blogs recently or a while ago – I know I’m very late to the game but I am of the belief, you are never too old or too young to go after your dreams. Thats what makes the world such a wonderful, interesting and fascinating place!! We can all learn, soak up some little bit of information, learning something new, become influenced by another person regardless of their age, race, religion or gender.
OK enough babbling for today, I’m off to work now. Got my Khloé Kardashian hair pig tail buns, loving my burgundy maxi dress by Mango that I bought in Portugal last year on my summer holidays there. It’s quite figure hugging and by adding in my over the thigh boots by Tony Bianco it lengthens my body, complimenting the outfit. Adding in black footwear makes the burgundy dress pop out and give it some balance. Also pairing it with a K-Mart bomber jacket that I bought like five or six years ago gives it a real edge, with bomber jackets back on trend for this winter season here in Australia.
I just want to thank you all for who have been on my blogging journey with me so far, I love you and appreciate you all so much. I hope you continue to stay on this ride with me, through my mistakes, failures, successes and glory. I love this blog more and more each and everyday, and truly hope I can do this as my only full-time job so I can give you beyond so much more! Big hugs to each and everyone of you, have a fabulous day!!! xoxo

Burgundy maxi dress by Mango (bought in Portugal), Neptune Thigh Boots – Tony Bianco (originally $239.95 – now $60!!) and bomber jacket by K-Mart Australia
Style and Life by Susana
June 25, 2017Thank you so much x
Alita Claudia
June 21, 2017love the way u do ur hair. such a statement!
Style and Life by Susana
June 19, 2017Thank you lovely x
Lea H
June 19, 2017This dress is amazing. Like mango has some very nice cloth and this colour of the dress suits you so very well!
Lea, xx
Style and Life by Susana
June 18, 2017Awwww thank you so much for those kind words. Ever since I was kid have been obsessed with models and wanted to be one – I don’t have the looks but I’ve got the poses down pat haha!! xx
Style and Life by Susana
June 17, 2017Thank you so much my love xxx
Tereza Cityscape Bliss
June 17, 2017Looking beautiful as always! By the way Mango have the best dresses, I buy my dresses there or in Zara/H&M. That’s about it to be fair! And totally agree with you that it’s a bull not to say anything personal on your blog. That’s so 2011 when people were cutting out their heads from their photos because they didn’t want anyone to know it was their blog. There are so many blogs right now that personality is the only thing that can differentiate us! And you’re brilliant at that so carry on doing you:) xxx
Style and Life by Susana
June 17, 2017Thanks babe xx
Style and Life by Susana
June 17, 2017Thank you!
Style and Life by Susana
June 17, 2017Thank you so much beautiful xx
Style and Life by Susana
June 17, 2017Haha thanks babe!!! xx
Style and Life by Susana
June 17, 2017Thank you so much for the lovely kind words babe. Wish you too the very best xx
Style and Life by Susana
June 17, 2017Thank you xx
Renita Betts
June 17, 2017You slaying in that dress! I like the fact that transparency rather than sale tactics are important to you when blogging. Thanks for sharing!
Helene Vlacho
June 17, 2017You look gorgeous and the dress is fantastic! Be yourself and follow your passion is the best answer to anyone out there.
Maro Akamatra
June 17, 2017You should be yourself 100%. Love the hair!
Sophia Whitham
June 16, 2017Gorgeous colour, and a really flattering fit! I love dressed with ties around the waist, you look beautiful xx
Sophia xx https://sophiawhitham.co.uk
Style and Life by Susana
June 16, 2017Thank you x
Jenny Bulmer
June 16, 2017Love the colour of this dress! Very nice
Style and Life by Susana
June 16, 2017Awwwwwwwwwwww thank you so much lovely!! You have made my day!! Big hugs to you xx
Andrea Cosovic
June 16, 2017I just love your dress from Mango! They really have good stuff! Also I wanted to tell you that you are not that old and you definitely should continue with this blog, because you are rocking it :)))