“There’s always a rainbow at the end of every rain,” Prince

Prince Rogers Nelson 1958-2016 RIP

April 21, 2016 will forever go down for myself and millions of Prince fans around the world, as the most darkest, confusing and most surreal day ever  – it was like a massive jolt in the atmospheric universe. How could all of that energy, that pure brilliance and eccentricity exist one moment and then suddenly just abruptly disappear? Where did it all go? How was it all so possible? That was a major shock to the system, so uncomprehensible.

It still brings me to tears when I think about that day, seeing two text messages (one at 5.41 AM, the other at 5.53 AM) from my husband telling me the awful news..


I broke down crying. Sorry, I broke down howling in tears, yelling out, ‘not my Prince, not my Prince!!’ … the heartache pain was unpalatable… and the following days afterwards, and even the weeks, where I still broke down in a flood of tears, in disbelief of my Prince. Our Prince.

Prince was like family to me. I know seriously weird to people outside but it’s true, thats why his death hit me more harder than I ever expected it to. I grew up listening to Prince since I was 10 years old and every song, every performance, every interview, every album was like a soundtrack to every single moment in my life that happened.

Even still until this today, I find it so painful and heartbreaking to believe that Prince is really gone. I desperately want to think he’s played a really sick joke on all of us (since he was a huge fan of playing pranks) and that he’s really hiding away on some remote island somewhere in the world, recording music, away from all of the glare and scrutiny of the media world.

But I know that it’s not true.

Strange as it may seem but his death, in the most unbelievable (and confusing) way made me realise that life is truly short and that it can just go (snap snap!! …of the finger!!) just like that! I, like so many others believed that Prince would still be recording and performing live until his old age, perhaps into his 80’s, just like Tony Bennett.

I grew up listening to 80’s music and being obsessed with Prince and Madonna, followed by Michael Jackson, George Michael and Kylie Minogue (those were my chosen artists).

Prince has always been my ultimate: my love, my salvation, my Prince. His music spoke to me like no other. I saw beyond the controversy, the shock, I saw the hidden messages of hope, faith, belief, spirit, individuality, God and love.

I am forever grateful to my one of good friend’s, Liliana, for tagging me in on Facebook of the announcement of Prince bringing his Piano & A Microphone Tour to Australia in February 2016. And I am forever grateful to my husband for paying for my ticket and saying to me, “Get the most expensive ticket to see him, he’s like the Yankee’s. Gods – I would pay anything to see them”.

“For people who don’t understand why others mourn the death of artists, You need to understand that these people have been a shoulder to cry on. Our rock. They’ve been family, friends, leaders, teachers and role models. Many have taught us what we need to know and what to do when times get rough. They’ve helped us to move on. They’ve pushed us out of bed. They’ve helped us to live when nobody else had the time to. Artists have inspired us in endless ways and have been with us through stages in our lives. We’ve made memories with them. So when they die, a part of us dies.” Prince

Even as I write this, I’m tearing up and tears are welling up in my eyes. Prince was one of the greatest musicians of the 21st Century that has ever seen and how fucking amazing is it, that I – we – all got to live in the same life time as Prince, and be blessed with his music, his performances, his artistry.

He may be physically gone, but his spirit, his legacy, his music will forever live on and inspire artists to come.  Like Prince said at his last concert in Melbourne, February 2016, ‘Can’t nobody do it like Prince!’ .

You got that right and there never will be. Relieve through my posts of Prince and let’s rejoice and celebrate the brilliance of this artist, sing his spirit and seek salvation in his words.

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in this thing called life… Prince, you are truly so so so missed, there will never be another like you XOXO

Are you a Prince fan? What is your favourite Prince song and did you ever get to see him perform live in concert?

  • Images credited to Getty Images

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  • Style and Life by Susana
    April 26, 2017

    So very true xx

  • Style and Life by Susana
    April 26, 2017

    I love my 90s music too, great music too! Thank you so much for your kind lovely words about my post xx

  • Candace
    April 26, 2017

    Prince was definitely a legend. Sadly I didn’t realize it was him in songs until after his death. I knew a lot of his music, but had no idea who the artist was! His music will definitely be missed by many.

  • JM Kayne
    April 25, 2017

    I’m not really into 80s music because I am more of the 90s – girlband/boyband hits, but my respect to this music icon is indeed at the top! Prince, Madonna, MJ and among others have shaped so much of the music industry that we could never put aside their influences. I feel all the other fans, losing such “Music Force” feels like it takes a part of us that makes this (music) world incomplete. Your tribute post for him, a legend – is beautiful!

    God Bless
    JM Kayne <3

  • Style and Life by Susana
    April 25, 2017

    It truly shocked the music industry (and the world) the shocking passing of him xx

  • Style and Life by Susana
    April 25, 2017

    I am a huge fan of MJ too but not the same as you, as I’m that way with Prince. But I agree, the three powerhouse’s – MJ, Prince and Madonna, all born in the same year and a few months from each other. What iconic and legendary artists of our times!!

  • Style and Life by Susana
    April 25, 2017

    (I’m Madonna obsessed too!) It was such a blessing to see him play live again, and even more so being so memorable xx

  • Stephanie Rose
    April 25, 2017

    That was such a tragic loss for the music community. I really wasn’t too familiar with his music but the tributes to his life and career were so beautiful.

  • The SeoulChild
    April 25, 2017

    I am a lifelong hard-core Michael Jackson fan, so when he passed away my reaction was very much like yours (my dad also took me out and let me get REALLY drunk, but that’s another story). With Prince, it was also super surreal, like “Not him, TOO.” Prince was definitely this huge FORCE, you know? It’s really crazy to imagine that of all of that powerhouse 3 (all born during the summer of ’58) that Madonna is the last one left, and this early, too…

  • Travel Pockets
    April 25, 2017

    I am a huge 80s music fan (Madonna obsessed!) as well and was so sad to hear when Prince passed away. He was such a legend and truly created amazing music that will last forever. So glad you had a chance to see him live and perform before his passing.

  • Style and Life by Susana
    April 24, 2017

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post and commenting, Hugs to you xx

  • Style and Life by Susana
    April 24, 2017

    Thank you x

  • Style and Life by Susana
    April 24, 2017

    Thank you so much x

  • Style and Life by Susana
    April 24, 2017

    How amazing!!! I saw him a few times, and every time, he blew my mind. Best concert, always xx

  • Style and Life by Susana
    April 24, 2017

    Thank thank you so much xx

  • Style and Life by Susana
    April 24, 2017

    Thank you so much lovely xx

  • Style and Life by Susana
    April 24, 2017

    I know!!! And I’ve said to my husband, I am happy to go to Vegas with him next year as long as I get to go to Paisley Park!! If I am visiting the USA, I am going all the way to Paisley Park. I just HAVE TO!!! xx

  • Style and Life by Susana
    April 24, 2017

    So painfully sad and a reminder, again, that its true xx

  • Style and Life by Susana
    April 24, 2017

    Many of his songs are so fortelling of the future and what is happening now, you just have to look beneath the surface. He will be greatly missed but never forgotten x

  • Style and Life by Susana
    April 24, 2017

    Its unfortunate that alot of the younger generation aren’t aware of such brilliant influential artists like him but thats not their fault, its just the world we live in now where it’s all about the ‘current’ music. Thank you for reading my post and commenting lovely xx

  • Style and Life by Susana
    April 24, 2017

    Thank you so much for your kind words, he will be so greatly missed. Thank God for his music and legacy xx

  • Style and Life by Susana
    April 24, 2017

    That is so so very true xx

  • Style and Life by Susana
    April 24, 2017

    Thank you for reading my post and commenting xx

  • Style and Life by Susana
    April 24, 2017

    I too am a MJ fan. Prince is my ultimate, and I was so blessed and so so grateful to see him play live again this one last time. It will live forever in my heart and memory x

  • Ana De Jesus
    April 24, 2017

    He was a true legend and possessed a creativity and spark that many modern musicians seem to lack. For me Micheal Jackson was the best artist the world has ever seen but Prince was nevertheless a force to be reckoned with. Thank goodness that you got to see him perform!

  • Britta
    April 23, 2017

    He was an amazing artist and his music will live on! Feel like putting on some Price now 🙂 Thanks for writing this!

  • Theresa Marie
    April 22, 2017

    Such an amazing article! He was such a legend! His music will forever live on!

  • Mandy
    April 22, 2017

    Beautiful article for the one of the greatest artists that ever lived. I grew up with his music and loved his unique and bold lifestyle.

  • Kirsten Heath Mua
    April 22, 2017

    The weird part is that I didn’t really know about Prince until he died. Then I realized how many performers he influenced. There will never be another.

  • I am Vagabond
    April 22, 2017

    Yes it’s a sad day without Prince… and Yes artists like him help us in so many ways including how to move on.

  • Jennifer Worrell
    April 22, 2017

    Loved Prince growing up!! What a sad day!!

  • Alison Rost
    April 22, 2017

    Oh my gosh .. yes! I’m a huge Prince fan. Like you .. I grew up in the ’80s listening to his music. Purple Rain is my favorite of his songs. We live only three hours from Minneapolis and have driven by Paisley Park a few different times. Did you know it’s now open for tours?

  • Laura Dove
    April 22, 2017

    I cant believe its been a year. Such a sad loss and a fitting tribute.

  • MamiSkilts
    April 22, 2017

    What a brilliantly written post. A lovely legacy.

  • Sophia Whitham
    April 22, 2017

    I’m so glad I got to hear him perform live. Once in a lifetime experience. His legacy will live on forever xx

    Sophia x https://sophiawhitham.co.uk

  • Emma
    April 22, 2017

    What a beautiful blog post. I miss him too x

    Emma / http://www.brooklynisburning.co

  • Camilla
    April 22, 2017

    I was so shocked that day..I think the music really miss him and me too!




  • Nikki Living-Life
    April 21, 2017

    I remember the shock and surprise I felt when I received the news. He will be missed dearly. But like you said he may be physically gone, but his spirit, legacy, and music will forever live on.


  • Twin Pickle
    April 21, 2017

    It was such a sad and shocking day! I saw Prince live about 8yrs ago and I can honestly say it was the best live show I have ever seen. True Legend.

  • Julian Palmer
    April 21, 2017

    Aww so sweet, you know when you really like someone who can influence your life positively it feels so surreal when they are not with us anymore.