Sensitive Skin Secrets: Caring for Your Sensitive Skin

“Your skin has a memory.
In ten, twenty, thirty years from now, your skin will show the results of how it was treated today.
So treat it kindly and with respect.     Jana Elston
Sensitive skin is a problem for a lot of people. Your skin can be easily irritated by various things or can become dry quickly. Dealing with sensitive skin can be tough because you have to avoid all of the things that might make it break out in hives, feel itchy or go dry.
But even if your skin is sensitive, it deserves to be loved and looked after in the right way. If you have sensitive skin, being extra gentle with it can help you to keep it looking and feeling good.
Here are some of the ways you can care for your sensitive skin:
Look for the Right Products
When you have sensitive skin, finding the right products to use on it can be difficult. Even those that are made for sensitive skin might not always agree with you.
The first thing you will probably want to do is look for products that don’t have any added perfumes or colouring. This will help to reduce the chances of there being anything that might irritate your skin. It can take some experimentation to find what’s right for you, so it’s useful to look for samples that you can try for free or cheap.
Keep It Moisturised
Sensitive skin can dry out more quickly and easily. A reliable moisturiser will help you to avoid dryness and prevent a range of dry skin issues. You might already moisturise your face, but it’s also important to moisturise the rest of your body.
Use a lotion for dry skin to keep your skin hydrated. It can be best to use it after a shower or bath to replace any moisture that has been lost. Pay particular attention to any areas that might get dry more easily, such as your hands and feet and your knees and elbows
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Change Your Showering Habits
One of the things that can make your skin dry out more quickly is showering or bathing too much. It can help if you limit how long you stay in the shower for and adjust the temperature too.
By keeping your showers to five to ten minutes long each, you can be kinder to your skin. It can also help to make sure the water isn’t too hot. Warm water may be better for your skin than hot water, so turn down the temperature next time you shower.
Be Aware of Allergies and Irritants
As well as skincare products, other things might irritate your skin. These could include laundry detergent and other cleaning products. Identifying the things that you might have an allergy or intolerance to can help you to avoid them.
This might mean noticing what common ingredients are in the things that irritate your skin or noting which brands don’t seem to work out for you. This can help you to avoid the things that your skin doesn’t like and protect your sensitive skin.
Take good care of your sensitive skin to avoid dryness, rashes and other problems. Your skin will thank you for it.