“Be strong, believe in freedom and in God, love yourself, understand your sexuality, have a sense of humor, masturbate, don’t judge people by their religion, color or sexual habits, love life and your family.” Madonna
‘Who is Style & Life by Susana?’
‘Who is Style & Life by Susana?’
She is ‘the tuneless singing blogger’ (who does daily carpool karaoke), she is the blogger who looks for a bargain, on-sale clothing and accessories items, she is the relateable blogger who tells you the truth, and the nothing but the truth, the ins and out, who is emotionally raw (probably to a fault but seeks no apologies) and revealing, who will tell you no bullshit and just tell you as it really is.
She is not afraid to be who she is and will not conform to what the government or society expects her to be because of the numbers on her birth certificate: she is sticking true to her soul, and her very spirit.
At any age you can look fucking fabulous, as there is no age limit on being YOU – regardless what society, social media or the so called news media outlets have to say.
I will give you what you need, what you want and so much more – I am on a mission to revolutionise on what it means to be a woman over the age of 30 in this day and age.

The will be no more sweeping underneath the front door mat on topics such as sex, ageism, IVF, domestic abuse, bullying, sexism, racism, wrinkles, unwanted weight and so so much more.
You want it to know? And, you’re wondering about it?
You’re too shy or scared to ask? Don’t worry, I will do it for you, and so much more.
You want it to know? And, you’re wondering about it?
You’re too shy or scared to ask? Don’t worry, I will do it for you, and so much more.
I have no shame and I want to be the thoughts you don’t say out loud or are too shy or scared to ask…
I want to be your secret hearts desire to what you are thinking, feeling and wondering about. Look to me to be your, ‘inner voice’.

I have so much planned for this blog, from styles and fashion that you need to only know about (you can shop at any place that is on trend, and on fleek (are the twenty-somethings still using that word?!).
Fashion that will inspire, compliment and flatter you (even on a budget and body level), that you definitely can wear regardless what news or so called age or body shamming social media says you should not do (… I call bullshit if they say don’t).
The sales to look out for from so many shopping and on-line stores, stories that I have experienced and lived that are still being sweeped underneath the rug as society refuses to acknowledge or take responsibility for or blind fold it, people that we encounter on a daily basis and so much more.
True life stories. Every day, life stories.

Melania Maxi Dress by Tobi, gold jacket (no name, bought at flea market in Portugal) and gold sandals by Banjarans
I want to change and revolutionise peoples view, expectation, thoughts on ageing, sexuality, freedom of expression and expectation and more importantly, the power of being a woman.
If I have to be controversial, provocative, in your face, belittled, made fun of, put down, disregarded, or challenge society’s thoughts and views … then so be it.
I always like a good challenge; you can’t ever keep a good woman down.

My father taught me to never take no for any answer (and he was no fool) and to stand up for what I believe in.
And I have always believed in the freedom of being,YOU. All ages, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation – to be non judgemented upon.
Welcome to Style & Life by Susana …no welcome, to finally being free; to being, you.
Style and Life by Susana
July 25, 2017Thank you so much for dropping by and commenting babe! x
Ariel Thilenius
July 25, 2017YES! Absolutely love this. Love your openness on sexuality and that KILLER Madonna quote!
Style and Life by Susana
July 10, 2017Awwwwww thank you so much lovely, I really appreciate your kind words xx
Nicole Vick
July 9, 2017I love ALL your photos and thanks for speaking up on ageism and all the other isms that can impact us bloggers.
Style and Life by Susana
July 7, 2017Thank you so much for your kind words xx
Lana Luu
July 7, 2017Great post! This is what all of us need today: someone who can tell us the truth, cuz life became crazy with all this social media appearance.
It is great for me to know more things about you.
Style and Life by Susana
July 7, 2017Thank you so much lovely! There are quite a few topics I want to talk about from a personal experience and since talking about my own IVF experience I now feel more confident and want to be a voice for those who are scared to speak xx
Nina Bosken
July 7, 2017Topics like sexuality, ageism, abuse and bullying need to be talked about. I’m glad that you’re not afraid to talk about this stuff. I’m excited to see what will come.
Style and Life by Susana
July 6, 2017Thanks babe xx
Style and Life by Susana
July 6, 2017Thank you so much beautiful for your supportive and kind words. Thank you xx
Style and Life by Susana
July 6, 2017Haha thanks beautiful!! Thank you for your lovely comment xx
Style and Life by Susana
July 6, 2017Awww thanks babe!!! So happy you loved it and look forward to you coming back xx
Sheree Ho
July 6, 2017I love this post and got to know more about you. Your singing video is adorable and carefree!! Age is just a number, and we shouldn’t let that define or limit who we are and what we can do! You do you and be you babe!!
xo Sheree
Posh Classy Mom
Alita Claudia
July 5, 2017Loving this true post about you! Cant wait to read more post :))
July 5, 2017Age is definitely nothing but a number and you are right for not letting society decide who you should be and how you should act. It’s very stupid if you ask me and I couldn’t agree more with you. Keep doing YOU!
Style and Life by Susana
July 5, 2017Awwwwwwwwwww thank you so much babe, that means so much to me!! xx
July 5, 2017I LOVE YOU SO FREAKING MUCH! You’re such a badass babe, and I love how you’re staying true to yourself. <3
Style and Life by Susana
July 5, 2017Thank you so much beautiful lady xx
Style and Life by Susana
July 5, 2017Awwww thank you babe! x
Style and Life by Susana
July 5, 2017Oh babe I find it hard to believe that you don’t have just as much, if not much MORE passion and drive than me!! You have inspired me (and continue to inspire me) and help me so much, more than you realise and you are just a beautiful person inside and out. And I will travel to wherever you are to meet up with you when I go back overseas for my next holidays – sounds like a stalker almost hahaha!!! xx
Style and Life by Susana
July 5, 2017Thank you x
Nita Okoye
July 5, 2017Dear beautiful Susana, you are absolutely Gorgeous!
Tereza Cityscape Bliss
July 5, 2017Oh my god I love this Susana! You honestly just don’t give a toss and all you want to do is be you and make the world a better place. If only there was more than one of you, that would make the world a much better place already haha! You have so much passion and drive in you it’s amazing! I wish I had just a tiny sliver of it to get me through the day haha, would be so much easier! You will do great things on your blog, you already are, but they’ll be even greater and greater:) Oh and I’m loving the singing, I was singing in my house yesterday like SO loud I don’t think the neighbours were very happy about it haha! xxx
July 5, 2017I love how honest and open you are and I absolutely adore your car karaoke. It’s the custest thing. Also, your photos are stunning. This photos series is by far my favorite!
Helene Vlacho
July 4, 2017What a beautiful and motivating reading Susana! i love posts like these and you know how to empower your readers. Keep it up, you are amazing! And as for your look, always stylish and trendy! Have a great day. 🙂
Style and Life by Susana
July 4, 2017Awwwww thank you so much lovely! xx
Style and Life by Susana
July 4, 2017Thank you so much for your lovely kind words. Please do come back & check out my blog. Hugs xx
Style and Life by Susana
July 4, 2017Thank thank you so much x
Style and Life by Susana
July 4, 2017Awwwwww thanks babe, I really appreciate your supportive and beautiful words xx
Style and Life by Susana
July 4, 2017Thank you so much x
Style and Life by Susana
July 4, 2017Awwwwwwwwww thanks babe, I really appreciate those words! xx
Style and Life by Susana
July 4, 2017Always believe in yourself beautiful, you are fabulous! Thank you for lovely comment xx
Style and Life by Susana
July 4, 2017Thank you x
Style and Life by Susana
July 4, 2017Thank you so much x
Stephanie Rose
July 4, 2017I love your spirit and desire. That string back top is phenomenal too. 🙂 Keep on being the awesome and inspiring person you are!
Renita Quirls
July 4, 2017I love what you are representing. You are embracing you and encouraging women to do the same. I love singing in the car as well…to Me sound amazing.
I look forward to reading your future posts.
Cory Fanus
July 4, 2017Wow such a mentally strong woman. Too many women try to be someone their not just to fit in. You’re an inspiration to everyone out there.
Lea H
July 4, 2017This was so refreshing to read! Thanks for letting us in to your thoughts and to show us so much of your personality. (You show so much personally in every post but this one even more). Loved reading through it and you’re amazing.
Lea, xx
Srdjana Spaic
July 4, 2017Love your attitude and fearlessness x
Sophia Whitham
July 4, 2017I love this so much! And I love how unapologetically YOU you are! Rock it girl! xx
Sophia x https://sophiawhitham.co.uk
Andrea Cosovic
July 4, 2017Love love this post!! I guess I should start Believing more in Myself! Thank you for this, you look stunning?❤️
mapolo cheoane
July 3, 2017Lovely post, love your smile also.
Abhilash P S
July 3, 2017Amazing article about fashion and power of women, I think nobody can stop no one from doing what they like. Thank You for sharing