I was recently nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by Savanna, who is the proud owner of the blog: Official Savanna Rae – thank you so much Savanna!
So what is the Sunshine Blogger Award? It is an award given by bloggers to other bloggers who are positive, inspiring, and creative. I am super excited to have been selected – and to know that people do actually read my stuff and think, I’m OK! ?
? Name 3 Life goals you want to achieve:
I think that this will always be a life goal until I start menopause (!!) – but to fall pregnant and have a child. The others are to be able to work full-time, from home on my blog and always continue to be a good person, and inspire people.
? One thing or person that makes you laugh:
A gentleman that I work with at my office job, Warren – he is like a father figure to me and always, ALWAYS without fail, makes me laugh!
? If you could go back in time to when & why?
I have a deep love and obsession with the Hollywood movie era of the 40’s and 50’s. Just the pure glamour, innocence, joy and happiness in those movies – think Gene Kelly, Fred Astire, Jerry Lewis, Shirley Temple, Rita Hayworth – true love!
? Name one celeb you would love to meet:
There’s two, one unfortunately is no longer with us but Prince. I fell in love with his music when I was 10 years old and have been a huge fan since then, and have seen every tour in Australia and was blessed to have been at his last tour, Piano & A Microphone. And also Madonna, also a huge fan of hers – I just think she’s so inspirational and has done so much for pop music and women in general, whether you agree with what she has done but she has made a difference.
? 3 words to describe yourself:
Sensitive, intuitive and creative.
? What’s your worst habit?
I over analyse things, dissect them in my head over and over again. Extremely too sensitive and I am the worst critic of myself.
? What’s the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?
Where do I start?!! Too many to name LOL!
? If you had a superpower what would it be?
If there could be a super power it would to be able to see who is a good person, and who won’t stab you in the back or talk badly of you. I always try to see the best in people, and lately have been getting hurt by people who I thought were actually nice, good people.
? What is your favourite tv show?
It has to be plural here… Friends, Sex & The City, Empire, Hart of Dixie, Nashville… currently binge watching Pretty Little Liars!! Cannot get enough!!
? Morning person or Evening & why?
Afternoon/night person. I always go to bed late (because I’m watching some of my TV shows!!) – I hate waking up early, and I always find that I am energised by mid to late morning LOL!!
? What actress/actor would you choose to play you in a film & why?
I would like to think Jennifer Aniston because, a) I love her and my life has been a comedy and a drama, and she would be the best actress to play me! …plus I would like to think I look as good as her. (wink wink)
Jana Kocisova
November 25, 2017Love your blog ❤️
Natalia Homolova
November 24, 2017well babe you totally are a sunshine!!! <3
November 23, 2017This was so fun to read! 🙂
xoxo Sienna
November 23, 2017Congrats! That’s so exciting xxx
Style and Life by Susana
November 20, 2017Thank you so much! xx
Style and Life by Susana
November 17, 2017Thank you so much for dropping by and commenting x
Style and Life by Susana
November 17, 2017You are so welcome xx
Style and Life by Susana
November 17, 2017You are so very welcome! x
November 17, 2017Hi, I’m new here! Congrats on your achievement! So much inspiring!
November 16, 2017Thank you for nominating me. Honoured. ???
November 16, 2017Thank You So Much For Nominating Me! Great Post! Will definitely share yours! Thank You!