Talking To Your Dog

People who talk to their dogs (regardless of whether their dogs understand what they’re saying), tend to be more bonded than those who don’t.
OK, hands up here who talks to their dogs (or any pet of theirs)? I can tell you I am completely guilty as charged!! Ever since I have had any sort of pet (I’ve had cats, guinea pigs, pigeons, quails, canaries and chickens) I have always talked to them and have had full on conversations with them. Hey, I’m like Dr Dolittle. Haha!
No I’m not going coo-coo crazy or losing my mind (or perhaps am I??? hmmm?…) but scientists have said that most dogs can understand what you are saying (more or less). Obviously it has to do with the tone of your voice and simple repetitive words, which over time your dog picks up on what the actual meaning and will behave accordingly.

I have two dogs, Tiago – translated in english means ‘ James’ (!!) but the portuguese meaning is ‘God’s warrior’, and that he truly is with all that he went through medically in July of 2016. Miguel, translated in english is Michael but the portuguese meaning is, ‘who is like God?’ and they are both chihuahuas.
I know most people think of chihuahuas as yappy little balls of energy, and that is true but my boys are actually quite well behaved… well, of course I would say that (cue in the proud fur baby mama look on her face). OK, except for when they see people walk past our place or kids on bikes (that really sets off their little high pitched barks!). Haha!

I speak to my boys in both portuguese and in english and have done so ever since they were little pups. They understand me when I say things like:
- anda ca (come here)
não (no)
beijinhos (kisses)
queres a papa? (do you want some food?)
vamos (let’s go)
- vamos dar a volta? (let’s go for walkies?)
Like I said a short moment ago, dogs respond to the repetitive words being said to them and the tone of how the words are being said. Studies at the Canine Cognition Center at Duke University in the USA revealed how dogs of different temperaments will all respond to the different tones in our voices and our body language as we are talking.
The studies show that a dog’s behaviour is really affected by whether the owner speaks in a friendly tone or in an angry intimidating tone.
For example, when my dogs have been naughty (Miguel, this is mainly you …but mummy loves you!!) and the tone of voice deepens, he knows that mummy is upset at for whatever naughty thing he just got caught doing and cowers down. He knows he’s been naughty!

Either one of my boys, will hang their head down, ears flop down but yet look up every so often with their big sad eyes, basically saying, ‘sorry mum’. Bless their little furry paws. But if the tone of my voice has a slightly higher pitch, almost in a baby like tone, my boys will respond affectionately.
When I am having a shit day at my office work or just feeling really sad about something, I find that sometimes talking to either of one my boys will help me emotionally and mentally.
Scientists actually encourage us to do it more often as it obviously helps us on a therapeutic level as there are some people who find it hard to open up up to other people but yet can reveal all their hurt and pain to their pets. Another good reason is because animals won’t judge you at all not unlike some humans who might do so and really know how to cheer you up.

All a dog wants is to be fed, have a warm bed to sleep in and the most important one of all – just be loved. I can’t imagine my life without my dogs. The bond between you and your pet can be as strong (if not more) as it can be between people.
When I first got my first dog, I was in my mid 20’s and I chose a chihuahua (of course!) and I called him Mateus – translated into english means, Matthew but the hidden meaning behind Mateus is: gift of God. And to me, he was definitely a gift of God.
Mateus was the love of my life
Mateus was the love of my life
The most beautiful dog I have ever seen and unfortunately he is no longer with me as he passed away three years ago at the age of almost 14.
He too spoke both portuguese and english and was the most well behaved dog I ever seen (all thanks to my beloved father).
At the time when I got Mateus, I was in my first serious relationship, which was a physical abusive relationship.
I felt so incredibly alone, broken & torn apart, and felt I had lost what the meaning of love was really meant to be all about or what it actually felt like.
Mateus literally put me back together, so to speak. I learnt to love again because of him.
Dogs will do everything they can to try to understand us, in terms of how we speak, our body language and gestures – so if you can, try and make the effort in speaking to them in, ‘dog language’.
Dogs are not just animals, they are a part of the family and really should be treated as such, if not more. They are our fur babies and also deserve the same attention and love that we give to our parents, spouses, brothers/sisters and children etc.
And since my husband and I are finding it very hard to have our own children, our boys are truly our sons. I am their mother and Troy is their father. I treat my boys with respect and undying love, and shower them with so many kisses and hugs but also ground them when they have been naughty. I do all that a human parent does for their own human children, for they are family too. They are my babies.
Do you talk to your dogs (or any other pet)? Tell me what you say and how they react in the comments below.
Style and Life by Susana
February 12, 2017Don’t let them see your fear, animals can react to someones fear @beautythatwalks:disqus just pretend (if you can) that you’re cool and calm, and just tell them to be quiet haha! xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
February 12, 2017Awwwww thank you so much @oliviaaragon:disqus I’m glad you enjoyed it too xx Susana
Beauty that walks
February 11, 2017I don’t have any pets but I do understand how dogs react. I often speak to my neighbors dogs and they do listen. They can be a bit misbehaving but they will listen to me sometimes I get scared of them, so I have to speak to them and say what’s on my mind.
Olivia Aragon
February 11, 2017Yes I talk to my dogs!! I sometimes talk too much to them! Lol but this was a great read… I love how you expanded on how it can be therapeutic to do so! Your dogs are adorable btw! Great read!
Style and Life by Susana
February 10, 2017Thank yo so much for dropping by @milliesmoments:disqus I will definitely check out your blog. Hope you come back and visit mine xx Susana
Millies Moments
February 10, 2017Wow, I really enjoyed reading this! I look forward to your future posts:D Maybe you might like some of the things I write about on my blog.. feel free to have a look!
Style and Life by Susana
February 10, 2017Oh I’m so sorry for your loss @Hifromworld:disqus my first daog, Mateus passed away three years ago and he was the love of my life. Big hugs to you xx Susana
Sheila Flores
February 10, 2017This is so cute! I love dogs and I miss mine a lot (she passed away a few years ago). I used to talk to her a lot because I could feel she understood everything I told her.
Have a good day!
Style and Life by Susana
February 9, 2017Don’t need to be afraid of them @japobs:disqus but I can understand how you would feel, as I used to be so scared of big dogs when I was child xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
February 9, 2017Thank you so much @patricialora:disqus xx Susana
mei // めい
February 9, 2017So cute! I don’t hate dogs but I’m kinda afraid to touch them 🙁
Patricia Lora
February 9, 2017I totally agree, my dog is like our son and I do talk to him lol. It’s funny I never thought i liked animals until I got my dog last year. He’s a big part of our family. Btw, your dogs are so cute!
xo, Patty
Style and Life by Susana
February 9, 2017They probably do but choose to pretend not too @disqus_FPDPUUd6FO:disqus xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
February 9, 2017Haha too funny about Max @sanctuaryfornobody:disqus xx Susana
Jasmine Watson
February 9, 2017Your dogs are ridiculously adorable and so smart by the sound of it. I speak to my two cats all the time but I don’t think they have a clue what I’m saying ?
Kisses and love
Christian Gertsen
February 9, 2017Yes Yes Yes, I talk to my Labrador dog. Maximo seems understand many things I said or commands but Max is sucha stubborn. -_-
Style and Life by Susana
February 9, 2017Haha maybe you need to speak more Czech to them so they get used to it alot more @terezacityscapebliss:disqus over time they will pick it up.I love how vocal Pippin is! Haha! xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
February 9, 2017I believe any animal can understand you @graziamaiettea the more you continue to speak to them, they will over time pick it up xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
February 9, 2017That is so cute! Especially when they do that slight head turn to one side and then to the other side @camilla xx Susana
Style and Life by Susana
February 9, 2017My husband and I have to do that to, spell out the word walk @ninabosken:disqus its so funny xx Susana
Tereza Cityscape Bliss
February 9, 2017This is such a beautiful post – I might have welled up a bit at the end!! I always talk to the cats but they look like they honestly have no clue when I speak Czech to them. They do understand when I speak in English though – Pippin usually answers because she’s very vocal so you can like ask her something and she meows back haha. Pippin do you want food – MEOOOOOOOOW. Haha. Cookie is more of a body language kind of cat – he gives me dirty judging looks just about every day. How gorgeous are your little babies though, the picture where they’re biting each other haha so adorable! xx
Grazia Maietta
February 9, 2017I don’t have a dog but I can say that this post is really inspiring. I have a cat I can try with her 🙂 or with the dogs of my friends.
February 9, 2017I always talk to my sister’s dogs and I’m pretty sure they understand me because they look at me and seem interested!!
Nina Bosken
February 8, 2017I definitely know that dogs understand different words. My mom used to have to spell out the word walk or call the dog park the DP because if my dog heard her say it, he would go crazy.
Style and Life by Susana
February 8, 2017Thank you so much for commenting @rellkiri:disqus xx Susana
Rell Kiri
February 8, 2017While I dont have a dog this was definitely an interesting read. I know a few people who have pets and talk to them too!
Foirell |
Style and Life by Susana
February 8, 2017Thank you @stylelullaby:disqus we who talk to our pets are the normal ones 😀 xx Susana
Sharon Wu
February 8, 2017Haha I’m so glad to learn that I’m not the only one who talks to my dog! Lol! So cute xo, sharon