You are not alone

[ctt template=”8″ link=”jF3et” via=”no” ]”True empathy requires that you step outside of your emotions to view things entirely from the perspective of the other person.[/ctt]
You all know about my difficult fertility and IVF journey, and like many around the world, I have gone through so many unfortunate painful and traumatic experiences in my life – which in time I will talk and share more about on this blog.
Last year I opened up about my battle with anxiety and depression and I pretty much tried as best as I could for such a very long long time, tried to hide it behind a mirror – literally, and not let anyone close to me (and that meant my family, friends and husband) know that I was suffering …and for such a long time.
Society, since time began has made it a such a judgemental, almost like a germ infected illness for so many people not to get close to others or acknowledge for fear of being abandoned, taken to the ‘looney’ hospital or just be disregarded as pathetic.
For me, it was more a case of I didn’t want to be a burden to anyone and thought any less since growing up with a father who expected perfection at all costs… I didn’t want any one to know, especially by those who knew me for so long that I was suffering from a mental illness
A few weeks ago my anxiety reared it’s ugly head once again and this time, I felt I was drowning. I felt I was stuck in this tornado like feeling where everything was spinning around me, every so often felt like hands were around my neck choking me, I felt so suffocated – so lost. I wanted to run away. I knew I was losing control of my body and mind again. Even though I know I had my husband and mum, and a few close friends to turn to – I still felt to incredibly alone.
I felt breathless, and also mentally I was getting more frustrated with the most smallest of things and so ever confused. There is no exact reason as to why anxiety happens – obvious reasons are stress and hard life decisions people have to face such as at work, personal problems – even the most simplest thing can trigger it but please know that anxiety isn’t planned and it come’s unexpectedly. It just happens.
I pretty much remember when it all started actually, what triggered the anxiety. Now I can’t say that it was because of this but a comment from a work colleague didn’t help (even though it may have been innocent but knowing what they are like, perhaps not) – it may have triggered it.
It was a Wednesday and I leaving work to go home (it was the end of the day) and I was leaving my office job, I said goodbye to everyone and a work colleague said:
‘It’s only 4.56 PM – you still have four minutes to go.’
I stood and looked at him baffled by his comment and really felt like saying, ‘Really? Are you fucking serious?!!’
But the only words that left my mouth were: “I’ve been here since 7.30 AM. Bye.” And off I went.
Later that night, I had an anxiety attack.

Around the same time as my anxiety was rearing its ugly head again, in a universal intervention type of way – I received a gift from The Empathy Gift & Co. The Empathy Gift & Co. are a company that believe in supporting people going through challenging times. They have many different types of empathy gift packs for all different life situations.
Regardless what the circumstances are none are more or less greater or important than the other. Each and everyone is just as heartfelt and painful as the other.

The gift box that I received had the following items:
? Little Exercise Book – Exercises for Learning to Love Yourself and Others
? Herbal tea – Peace of Mind
? Choc Salted Caramel mini biscuits
? Organic Moisturising Cream by Plain & Simple
? ‘I Think You’re Wonderful’ soap bar by Huxter
? Tea strainer by Urban Products
? ‘You Are Amazing’ mug by Urban Products

[ctt template=”8″ link=”jF3et” via=”no” ]”When the shadows are closing in, And your spirit diminishing, Just remember you’re not alone, And love will be there
To guide you home…” Mariah Carey[/ctt]
I truly feel that these wellness and healing gift packs can provide support to people who are going through whatever difficulties and circumstances in their life. Whether it be from an illness such as cancer, the loss of a miscarriage, the death of a loved one and like me, the struggles of anxiety and depression where you feel like you are alone in the world.
They won’t cure you however they will provide you with the feeling that somebody out there does care for you. So with a book, a cup of tea, some chocolate treats and a nice bubble bath they may ease your troubles for that short moment in time and lets face it, even for just ten minutes away from the overwhelming cyclone feelings of sadness, lost, confused and anxious is an amazing and comforting feeling and I know from my own living experience. It’s relief.
With every spare moment I get, I try to tackled into my personal wellbeing exercise book, answering the psychological questions about self development and transformation. These are brain games that educate and inspire our souls and lives, and bring deeper insight in ourselves.
I swear this gift box came at the perfect time in my life. Whether it was divine intervention, or my father (my guardian angel in heaven) worried and looking out for me – regardless, no matter how big or how small the gesture is, it is all a form of consideration and from the heart.
Every little gesture means so much to the person who is suffering and going through a difficult time. It shows to them that there is someone out there who really does care for them.
So if you know of someone who is hurting, going through a hard time and you don’t know how you can help or what you can do to ease their sadness, go to The Empathy Gift Co. and you will find many different types of wellness and healing gift packs for any type of life situation. The gesture will mean more than you will ever realise.

? The Empathy Gift & Co have sent me their empathy gift box to review (thank you!) – all opinions are my own and true, and also this came to me at a universally ‘meant to be’ time in my life with my anxiety rearing its ugly head again. Full disclosure policy here.
Style and Life by Susana
July 16, 2017Sending you much love and a big hug to you beautiful xx
Style and Life by Susana
July 16, 2017Thank you so much xx
Stephy Tse
July 15, 2017I think you’re beautiful too susanna! <3
July 15, 2017What a powerful and inspirational post! I have high-functioning depression, and I know how it can suck so much. I’m glad that you were able to get such an incredible gift at the perfect time! Stay strong, babe. xx
Style and Life by Susana
July 13, 2017Thank you xx
Style and Life by Susana
July 13, 2017You are just too kind to me, thank you so much beautiful xx
Style and Life by Susana
July 13, 2017Thank you x
Style and Life by Susana
July 13, 2017That means so much to me, thank you xxx
Style and Life by Susana
July 13, 2017Awwww if I could screen shot this message I would and share it on IG stories. This so much to me, more than you can know – thank you so much gorgeous xxx
Style and Life by Susana
July 13, 2017It is so amazing that they do!! xx
Style and Life by Susana
July 13, 2017You are just so wonderful!! Thank you for always your support and love it means so much to me xx
Style and Life by Susana
July 13, 2017Love and hugs to you xx
Style and Life by Susana
July 13, 2017Thank you so much for your gorgeous comment babe xx
Andrea Cosovic
July 13, 2017Wow! So powerful and soo beautiful ? Great message for all people ❤️ Thank you dear and remember you are not alone. You have us always ?
Grace Maietta
July 13, 2017Great products but most of all great Post! Stay strong always
July 12, 2017I love reading your posts and this one just reminded me why! So innocent and honest – love love love how you write… Great quote by Mariah Carey, it’s important to remember Love will be there to guide us home. Thanks for sharing this, and I’m glad I read. xxx
July 12, 2017Now this is a great box that I could gift to so many people, including myself! I suffer from mild depression myself and could always use a quick pick me up. I felt uplifted just looking at these 🙂
July 12, 2017O wow, I wish they had this in the states. There are a few people that I would love to send this to. Anxiety is no joke and I hope you are feeling better today. I know you have to take it day-by-day, but I am thinking of you Susana. You are such a beautiful soul and I miss you when you are gone for just a minute.
July 12, 2017I always love reading your blog posts. They always uplift me and remind me that even when I’m feeling down I’m not alone. Today is definitely one of those days for me. I love the concept of this gift pack. An encouraging word can really brighten up a dark day. I’m going to recommend this box to family and friends.
Patricia Lora
July 12, 2017Thanks for sharing this personal post you are amazing! These empathy gifts are so cute!
xo, Patty
JM Kayne
July 11, 2017Always empowering blogposts you got here Susana! <3 It's brave that you are able to share that story of anxiety for it could help others too! And these emphathy gives are just love! I'd like to receive any of them! 🙂
God bless!
JM Kayne | #InMyHeart♥
Sheree Ho
July 11, 2017Thank you for sharing this powerful and very personal post! I have never experienced anxiety myself, however from fellow co-works episodes I would imagine it to be very severe and crippling. It is important to take time for yourself and focus on you! These little gift sets seemed so perfect and I love everything that is included.