Good deed subscription gift boxes

For every ‘Beauty Box’ sold, they donate a months’ period essentials to a girl in need. Their mission is to spread smiles to thousands of girls throughout NGOs in Pune, India.
To subscribe to this box please go to for more details.

[ctt template=”8″ link=”Uf1p3″ via=”no” ]”Giving back is the right thing to do, whether it’s donating clothes, old furniture, a few plates and cups – regardless whatever it is; that small thing will make a difference in someones life.”[/ctt]
For every ‘Day Drinking’ box sold, they will donate a meal to a child. To subscribe to this box please go to for more details.

* This item was gifted to me for editorial consideration. Full disclosure policy here.Â
Have you ever tried a gift box subscription before? If so, what kind of things did/do you receive? I’d love to know in the comments below.
Style and Life by Susana
April 29, 2017Thank you babe xx
Sophia Whitham
April 28, 2017This looks like the best box i’ve seen yet! I love that it’s all cruelty free xx
Sophia xx
Style and Life by Susana
April 13, 2017Thanks babe xx
April 13, 2017Such a cool box. Id love to try too x
Cassidy Slockett
April 12, 2017OoOh I love subscription boxes! Especially when they have such nice treats and beauty products inside! I want to try them now!
Style and Life by Susana
April 12, 2017Hope you’re well lovely xx
Style and Life by Susana
April 12, 2017Thank you x
Style and Life by Susana
April 12, 2017Sounds like a great plan! x
Sharon Wu
April 12, 2017this subscription box sounds amazing! so many goodies! xo, sharon
sepatuholig-Grace Njio
April 11, 2017Great review, nice pack!
Instagram @grace_njio
Alison Rost
April 11, 2017I’ve yet to try a subscription gift box .. but I’m thinking I might need to. Especially if they’re all like this one .. in that they’re supporting a good cause. At our house we’d go for the Day Drinking Box. Coffee for him and tea for her!
Style and Life by Susana
April 11, 2017Thank you xx
Style and Life by Susana
April 11, 2017Thank you x
Tamarah Harvey
April 11, 2017That is a really awesome idea. I’ve recently been getting into different kinds of subscription boxes, way too many probably lol. After seeing this though I definitely would like to find one that also supports a good cause. Awesome stuff 🙂
Juliana Chow
April 10, 2017So many goodies!! That box looks amazing ✨
Style and Life by Susana
April 7, 2017Exactly!! When they contacted me I was like hmmmm.. but as soon as they mentioned that they donate meals and female essentials I was like, yes I can support this!! xx
Tereza Cityscape Bliss
April 7, 2017The day drinking box would be right up my street! I love the concept – that they are donating to those in need as well as running a business, I’ve only recently started getting involved with charities and volunteering and only then you realise how much difference it can make! x
Style and Life by Susana
April 7, 2017I love companies that do this! Respect to them xx
Style and Life by Susana
April 7, 2017Thank you so much for commenting xx
April 7, 2017This sounds so interesting. And I love the cause too!
Julian Palmer
April 7, 2017Very refreshing and nice looking!