Winter Is Coming / Why Fashion Has No Age Limit for a Woman
A Reality Check for Women of ALL Ages

“Not only does society suffer from racism and sexism, but it also suffers from agesim. Once you reach a certain age you’re not allowed to be adventurous, you’re not allowed to be sexual. I mean is there a rule? Are you supposed to just die?” Madonna
Oh, winter is definitely on its way!! While here in Australia, down the southern end we have been so incredibly lucky to have had the warm weather up until last week, but the cold weather is now starting to set in. Today is meant to be a top of 14 degrees!! 14 degrees!! Can you believe that?! Brrrrrr! So I am completely rugged up today.
I’ve got my asymmetrical poncho cardigan that I bought at Cotton-On, along with my trusty turtleneck (bought at Mango in Portugal) and my ever true love Zara military ankle boots (yes, yes, they appeared a few times on this blog. What can I tell you? I truly TRULY love them!!).
But today I want to speak and share about something that I am so incredibly passionate about, and truly believe in my whole heart and soul, with every fiber in my body, that in this day and age, find it so baffling that society finds it either wrong or are turned off by a woman over the age of thirty-five or more, to want to continue living in this world, so to speak.
Let me just start by saying you may either de-follow me, unsubscribe or continue to follow me in support, after what I’m about to say – and you know what, that is OK. I just want to say I am not going to be one of those bloggers who will be dictated by what an ‘older’ blogger should be, should wear or should act and/or behave all just because I am, of a ‘certain’ supposed age.
As a woman, I just want to say I will not allow to be caged in because of the number of years I have lived on this earth. I will express myself as my heart desires, as my soul needs to speak, as my spirits needs to shed another layer of skin to continue on its journey of life.
I won’t allow society to put me into a ‘home’ or a should I say a ‘prison’ because it feels threatened, unnerved by a (so to speak) ‘mature’ person still growing, dreaming and wanting to achieve all of their dreams desires, be it in a public way or not.
I will not be stereotyped by my age or gender. If it unnerve you, the question then should be asked: ‘why?’
What is it that scares you about a person of a certain age that wants to continue to live their life, that refuses to be placed into an aged category and be deemed, ‘old’ by their date on their birth certificate.

Because lets be honest: TO AGE IS A SIN

Missguided Jeans / military ankle boots by Zara / turtleneck by Mango / vintage poncho cardigan by Cotton-On
As a woman we are criticized (whether you realise it or not) and you will be vilified for wanting to continue to live and express your thoughts, loves, passion, feelings etc. I think the most controversial thing is to want to continue to strive after the age of 35.
My father always told me to fight against the: “could not, would not or I must not”. Resist all of the doubters and naysers to become stronger. Become a fighter, never give up and never allow someone to treat me differently because of my age or gender.
As the saying goes, I shall shake what my mama and papa gave me. I will not and shall not be caged into a supposed ‘what is expected once you are over 40’ to be. There is no age limit to express my hearts desire, my dreams, my eccentricity, my artistic and creative expression.
Please know, I am NOT having a melt down and I am not going through ‘that change’ (just in case you did assume that… again another stereo type for a woman’s behavior or actions). I am just expressing and showcasing my worth as a woman in this ever changing youth obsessed world, that I will not be pushed aside and be made silent, and conform to a stereotype. I too have a right to exist, and have so much to give, to explore, to live and to show.
So you are going to see a blogger that is going to continue to be her true self and not conform to the ageist minority society that exists. I will continue to be my authentic fabulous fashionable self and kick ass in my Manolos and wear BooHoo.Com, H&M, Pretty Little Thing or whoever I so desire.
Because you know what, I too have that right and I know what looks good and can pull it off. So don’t label me, or put a tape across my mouth or put me into a nursing home just yet. I will decide when I will hang up my size 32 A bra and let my boobs hang free, go grab my crochet and sit in my rocking chair and knit away (again, another stereo type). I will make that decision myself and not society.
Look at Iris Apfel, Madonna, Elle MacPherson, Beyoncé and Oprah Winfrey (just to name a few) for inspiration who decide to keep on living and striving, and not conform to what society tells them what they should do or how to be.
So in the meantime, continue to watch me as I aim to not be part of that minority gang and I will ‘rebel’ and make a difference in the system and be a voice for the up coming generation if I can be.
You can be whatever you want to be, at whatever age you are. YOU are in control of YOUR destiny.
Style and Life by Susana
September 20, 2017Completely agree. I will not be dictated or told to hide because I am of a certain age and also because I’m an ‘older woman’. I will fight against that stereotype x
Style and Life by Susana
September 20, 2017Amen sister! x
Style and Life by Susana
May 30, 2017Thank you xx
Nabeeda Bakali
May 30, 2017Great post. Completely agree with what you are saying <3
Style and Life by Susana
May 18, 2017Awwww thank you so much for your lovely words and for dropping by! xx
Neyla BEND
May 17, 2017This is a great article! I really support and feel what you’re saying!!
KamZ Online
May 12, 2017Amazing post, I’m so glad you are speaking up and standing up for it. Ageism is disgusting, I’ve always been watching my own family with confusion when they would assume that now that they’re older, they have to take on a certain style or behaviour. And ageism towards women is so clear and obvious and contrasts so much to how men are looked at. I’m only 20 but I see this in other people and it needs to be fought against.
May 8, 2017I am so with you, I shall not be dictated on what to wear by the society hehe. Seriously, as long as I enjoy what I’m doing (my blog) I will continue to write and rock on clothes that I want to wear (as long as it’s occasion appropriate). It’s nice to find your blog who lives in the same season as me, I’m following you in Instagram.
Style and Life by Susana
May 6, 2017Thank you so much for your beautiful words, and for reading my post. It means alot to me xx
May 5, 2017Beautiful post Susana. I feel that society just places waay too much on women and there’s a lot of rules and guidelines stating how we should live our lives.
Style and Life by Susana
May 4, 2017Thank you so much for dropping by and commenting xx
Carrie Chady Rundhaug
May 4, 201714 wow! That is still warm! I think winter is finally letting go of its hold up here in Northern Norway. Today it is supposed to hit 5 and tomorrow it may hit 6. I am so excited but Winter has been so long this year. That cardigan looks so deliciously warm right now! I would love to wrap up in it!
Style and Life by Susana
May 4, 2017Thank you so much lovely xx
Style and Life by Susana
May 4, 2017Amen sister! xx
Style and Life by Susana
May 4, 2017Thanks you so much! Keep kicking ass babe!! xx
Style and Life by Susana
May 4, 2017Awwwww thank you so much! xx
Style and Life by Susana
May 4, 2017:)) xx
Style and Life by Susana
May 4, 2017That’s how we need to look at it babe! xx
Style and Life by Susana
May 4, 2017Awwwwwww thank you so much babe for those beautiful and amazing words!! Thats one thing you will always get from me: authentic and badass!! xx
May 3, 2017One of the reasons why I love seeing your posts is because of how unapologetic you are. This post is no exception. You are an incredible person, and I hope you’ll keep on being your badass self. x
May 3, 2017Your cardigan looks so cozy! I always feel like a boss when I wear them in the Winter with a sleek pair of boots! lol. I love reading your posts because you always keep it real and are so honest and transparent! Let’s keep smashing through these stereotypes. I’m in my 30’s and feel like I can tackle the world head on. I feel like the older I get the more confident I become!
Cassidy Slockett
May 3, 2017I am loving your outfit! Especially the fact that sweater looks so comfy, but also so cute! I was shocked to see “winter” though haha
Darlene Lebron
May 3, 2017I love this post so much!!! You are brilliant and hopefully our society will one day see that things get better with age and that we don’t need to conform because it makes others comfortable.
Phoem Ponce
May 2, 2017Loving those boots! Love everything! Don’t you worry, karma will hit those stereotypical people twice!
JM Kayne
May 2, 2017I just realized you are in another part of the world,at first I was surprised to see “winter” 🙂 hehehe
You always look gorgeous Susana! I love the cardigan and the light effects on your photos just rock!
God bless you always!
JM Kayne
Style and Life by Susana
May 2, 2017Amen!!! Completely agree babe xx
May 2, 2017Stereotypes suck! I honestly don’t understand why they exist, but I know the answer. Some people are too narrow-minded to think outside of the box. Age definitely has never mattered to me and it shouldn’t to you either. Be yourself, always. F the rest!!!
Style and Life by Susana
May 2, 2017Thanks babe xx I love Mango!! It’s not as popular here in Australia not like Zara and H&M.
Style and Life by Susana
May 2, 2017Thank you so much gorgeous xx
Style and Life by Susana
May 2, 2017OMG!! Thank you so much!!!! That is so wonderful and beautiful of you to do that, thank you xxx
Travel Pockets
May 2, 2017At first I was like, ‘Wait a minute? Winter? Is this an old post?” Then I realized you have a completely opposite season from the states 🙂 I love the Mango turtle neck. I wish Mango was more popular here in the states. When I was living in Asia it was everywhere! You look fabulous as always!
Jennifer Morales
May 2, 2017You look amazing! I agree with you, you should continue being as you are, wearing what you want, not minding your age! I love your poncho and those jeans!
Style and Life by Susana
May 1, 2017You are way too kind to me babe, but thank you!! I applaud all older bloggers who take a stand in just being who they want to be, and not what society catagorises them/us. There’s a 63 year old blogger who her fashion sense is just out of this world brilliant and she is so out there, and so inspiring. I can’t remember her name though.. she’s just freaking awesome! x
Style and Life by Susana
May 1, 2017Thank you so much for your beautiful and kind words xx
Helene Vlacho
April 29, 2017Wonderful thoughts Susana! We should never let anyone treat us different because of our age. In the end, age it’s just a state of mind. If we are healthy, taking care of our body and mind we’ll never get older! And i love your cardigan! xo xo
Tereza Cityscape Bliss
April 29, 2017But you look 25 anyways so this doesn’t really affect you haha!! I’m just joking (not about you looking 25 obviously because you bloody do!). It’s a brilliant message you’re getting across here, and strangely one that people don’t really pick up on very often. I see a few more older women trying to push their fashion picks on Instagram/blogs which is great – hope to be seeing more of that because I think it would add to the ‘freedom of choice’ for various age categories when it comes to fashion! x
Style and Life by Susana
April 29, 2017Thank you so much gorgeous!!! Thank you so much for you comment xx
Style and Life by Susana
April 29, 2017Thank you so much for the amazing and supportive comment! I truly greatly appreciate it!! Jeans are from Missguided. Click on the link to see it, and my turtleneck top I bought in Portugal. You are such a beautiful soul, thank you xx
Style and Life by Susana
April 29, 2017Thank you so much gorgeous! xx
Lea H
April 29, 2017You look so lovely in the outfit. We should be going into summer but we had snow again, so I’m wrapping myself up too.
Lea, xx
Emma Shearer
April 29, 2017Totally agree. Even when your considered young, you still get put into boxes about what you can wear/what you can dress like. When I went to my high school prom I had a teacher in my last year who was either mid or late 30’s and she wore a mini dress to our prom with 0 shits given and I respect her for that and not letting anyone try and put her into a box on what she can or can’t wear. I love your jeans and jumper in your outfit, where did you get them? They suit you really well!!
Eugenia Nazarova
April 29, 2017Completely agree with your father that encouraged you to fight against the: “could not, would not or I must not” because everything is possible no matter the age and what other people says! You look amazing in your outfit!
Style and Life by Susana
April 28, 2017Thank you so much my lovely! Thank you always for your friendship and support, beautiful soul you are xx
April 28, 2017You are welcome….and i mean every single word above in my comment… ?
Style and Life by Susana
April 28, 2017Awwwww you’re too kind, thank you so much xx
Style and Life by Susana
April 28, 2017Muchos gracias Sophia!! Buenos dia ou noches da Australia!! xx
Sophia Morena Biffi
April 28, 2017Those jeans are very cool!!! Wish you a nice day!!!
Kisses from Barcelona, Sophia
Danielle Ruppert
April 28, 2017You live in Arizona?! So do I! Where are you from? 🙂
Danielle Ruppert
April 28, 2017You are in Arizona?! So am I! Where are from?
Twin Pickle
April 28, 2017Loving the cosy look… we’re pushing 100 here in Arizona so I don’t think I’ll need the lovely poncho anytime soon, lol!
Ana De Jesus
April 28, 2017Yes gurl you better preach.I agree that age has no impact on what you should and shouldn’t wear and since when did fashion have so many rules?I remember speaking to a work colleague who was pointing out an older woman who was wearing a mini skirt and he proclaimed ‘oh my god why is she wearing that, at her age’. I turned around and said to him A. I think she looks great and B. age should not affect your style. Even when I am old I am still going to wear whatever I like! x
Style and Life by Susana
April 27, 2017I prefer the winter in europe anytime haha!! xx
Style and Life by Susana
April 27, 2017Awww thank you so much babe! xx
Style and Life by Susana
April 27, 2017Thank you so much babe! x
Style and Life by Susana
April 27, 2017Thank you so much for you kind words and for commenting. Let me know what your blog is so I can return the love xx
Style and Life by Susana
April 27, 2017Thank you so much beautiful xx
Style and Life by Susana
April 27, 2017Thank you so much for beautiful words x
Style and Life by Susana
April 27, 2017Awww thank you so much babe! That means so much to you feel that way. Age doesn’t matter and we need to disregard the negativity of people who suggest such things. I love your blog, keep going ! x
April 27, 2017Sometimes I think Winter is coming here because it’s so cold!
BTW, I really think there is not a right age to wear determinate clothes!
Theresa Marie
April 27, 2017Such an amazing inspiring post! I also very much love your outfit!
Sophia Whitham
April 26, 2017Such a great message behind this! You should be able to wear whatever you want at any age, no need to conform to the ageist ideals of society! xx
Sophia x
April 26, 2017love this look, love your thoughts, and love that you are standing up for yourself! Just do you 🙂
Ash Neverson
April 26, 2017I love this post! So true about the quote, seems that when women reach a certain age, they’re not allowed to be adventurous and that sucks!
Thank you for sharing this Susana. x
Ash |
Jennifer Worrell
April 26, 2017Wow! Such a powerful post! I’m with you! Wear what you want and enjoy! You look amazing! Thanks for the inspiration!
Portia Jones
April 26, 2017Brilliant post, it is so important to discuss age and how it affects women. I started blogging at the age of 32 and I was worried I was too old. How awful is that? I was worried as a women in her 30’s somehow I wasn’t relevant or interesting. It’s posts like these that inspire me and make me realise that age shouldn’t matter at all. x