Why Coffee Is Good For Your Face

Coffeeology | Expresso yourself. So many blends, so little time. Take life one sip at a time. Stay grounded. Better latte than never. Take time to smell the coffee cover.
I’ve been exfoliating my face for many years now and I do it at least three to four times a week. As soon as I get home from work or after a night out, with a face full of make-up – I always make sure to exfoliate my face.
Even if I don’t wear much make-up, I still always exfoliate. It just feels so refreshing once I’ve done it and I love the way my skin feels afterwards, clean and super smooth.
Exfoliating your face regularly helps your skin to become healthier in appearance and once the dead skin is removed, it helps to get rid of dirt, dried sweat, and every-day air pollutants.  Also another good reason to incorporate exfoliating your skin is that it will absorb moisture better, keeping the skin soft and supple.
Did you know that gorgeous 80’s supermodel, Christie Brinkley exfoliates every single day, without fail – and look at her!! She looks amazing for someone who is 63 freaking years old!!

Now before you start to exfoliate every single day, ala Christie Brinkley, just know that over exfoliating is a big no no.
Why? While regular exfoliation is good and so very healthy for your skin, over doing it will cause excessive dryness, irritation, redness, sensitivity, shiny forehead (over exfoliating can reproduce almost a mirror like effect on your forehead!!), puffiness, and skin breakouts (over doing it removes the healthy skin cells that protects your skin’s barrier).

In the past few months, I finally jumped on the coffee scrub train and it literally changed my life – er, um… OK, it changed my face!Â
So what is so great about the coffee scrub? Well, let me tell you! The coffee scrub has so many benefits that include: exfoliating and anti-inflammatory properties, temporary reduction of cellulite (used on the body), improved circulation, reduced eye puffiness, smoother and tighter skin.
Combined with a range of other natural products, such as a natural skin cleanser, you can really naturalise your beauty routine and leave your body and face looking great on the outside while knowing you are not putting harsh chemicals and other artificial products into your body.
☕ Caffeine Fix
Coffee is known to stimulate blood flow to the skin, which improves the appearance of fine lines, stretch marks, cellulite and other skin conditions.
Caffeine also contains many antioxidants which are great for our skin including fighting the battle against premature aging of the skin, and also contains UV protectors which really are self explanatory [blocks out harmful rays from the sun,which in turns help us in the fight against premature ageing & skin cancer].
The cleansing element of coffee is another super beneficial factor; this cleanser takes away strong odors by neutralizing & absorbing them.
☕ Exfoliate! Exfoliate!
Now depending on the additional ingredients in the coffee scrub packet, majority of them usually contain many great exfoliating properties. Along with the coffee granules will usually find a mix of sugar, coconut, lime, cinnamon and/or salt.
The combination of these bring in their own benefits along with additional process of buffing away those dead skin cells.
☕ Say Bye-Bye to Cellulite (Temporarily)
The amazing thing also about a coffee scrub is that it can help to reduce the appearance of cellulite, temporarily. By scrubbing in circular motion, the fatty acids, antioxidants and the many vitamins in the coffee scrub, will help to restore the skins texture and the appearance of cellulite, and tighten the skin.
☕ Ahhhhhhhhh! Soothe those Tired Feet
Not only are coffee scrubs great for your body and face, they are also such an amazing relief for your feet! If you’re constantly on your feet for long hours of the day, and especially like me, spend a lot of time in heels – then this is for you!
Grab a small bucket or basin with warm water, and mix in half a cup of coffee, and swirl it around. Place your feet in the mix and feel the soothing affects of the coffee in your feet.
You can also at the same time, grab a little of the coffee and scrub away at your feet to remove the dead skin and refresh your feet. Your feet will feel smooth and soft, and no longer tired.
☕ Reduce those Puffy EyesÂ
No, you don’t scrub the coffee onto your eye area!! Serious ouch!! Because I am such a night owl, working away on my blog and/or catching up the latest on my favourite television shows, my poor eyes will often the next day become all puffy-eyed.
One tip I have recently discovered is this: in the morning as you’re getting ready, place a little coffee scrub around your eye area underneath for an instant pick-me up!!
Mix a teaspoon of coffee scrub with a few drops of water, in a cup and gently apply it underneath your area. Leave it there for 5 – 10 minutes and then rinse. The caffeine will tighten the skin, which in turn it will reduce the puffiness and voila!

As I said earlier on, I use the coffee scrub at least three to four times a week, basically every second day and most definitely on a day that I have worn make-up.
This coffee scrub is one that definitely won’t dry out your face, and your skin will feel so clean, smoother, firmer, tighter and radiant. I seriously recommend it!

Coconut and Lime Scrub is made up of 100% Arabica Coffee beans which helps reduce the appearance of cellulite, stretch marks, acne, eczema and varicose veins.Â
The scrub also contains Vitamin E, which helps repair and rejuvenate your skin.Â
Matea G
December 5, 2017I heard about coffee benefits before but I had no idea there were so many! This is absolutely great and I would love to try it! Thank you for sharing!
Cindy Newland
November 20, 2017I just recently tried caffeinated soap (not kidding) and loved It. I can’t wait to try a coffee scrub!
November 20, 2017I have so many nice things about coffee for skin, I recently tried a coffee scrub for body and really loved the results. And the smell of coffee while using it really lifts the mood. I need to try it on my face too.
Allison Cohen
November 19, 2017Terrific post and fun, informative read! I cannot exfoliate every day because it’s too much for my dry skin. I’ve used coffee body scrub but not a coffee face exfoliator. I should try one, but I have so many masks and exfoliators – both chemical and physical – that I can’t buy any more till I use some up first
Maria Miguel Zamith
November 18, 2017This is actually incredible for your skin! I’ve been doing it for a while now and absolutely recommend it 🙂
The Sweaterist Alice
November 18, 2017I have never thought that coffee could be good for you… it is enlightening really.
November 18, 2017Guilty pleasure scrub never heard of this. Looks like it would work wonders and im very curious. I need to give this a go for sure x
Lau Ren
November 14, 2017Love this! I need try! ♥
Jane Shussa
November 11, 2017I have been hearing that coffee is good for skin but I have been so hesitant to try it! I am glad you shared this, I come from a country where we have plenty of Arabica coffee Time to take advantage of that. Thanks, Susana
November 10, 2017I didn’t know it reduced puffy eye! Next time I’m going to try and leave it for 5 – 10 minutes and see how much of a difference it makes for me 🙂 O, and your pictures are so fun and cute!
November 10, 2017Thanks for the eye trick! I used to purchase this eye cream from MAC with caffeine…I think it was the Fast Response Eye Cream…but this method is a lot cheaper and natural! I’ll have to try the body scrub as well 🙂
Sheree Ho
November 10, 2017I def need to try this. I have puffy eyes and drinking coffee helps the swelling, but sounds like here is a better solution, exfoliate my face and reduce swelling, two birds one stone!
xo Sheree
Farha Cutypie
November 9, 2017I love using coffee for my skin and body… Whether you use it as a mask or a scrub it work wonders for skin…
November 9, 2017I have a coffee body scrub which I love and will definitely start exfoliating my face more often.
Style and Life by Susana
November 8, 2017*LOL* enjoy!! xx
Style and Life by Susana
November 8, 2017Love how my skin looks and feels when I use it xx
Melina Morry
November 8, 2017I’ve never tried this before! But I am drinking coffee right now… lol love the post xxx
Natalia Homolova
November 7, 2017I love coffee scrubs, not only they smell amazing but the skin feels so good afterwards! xx
Style and Life by Susana
November 7, 2017They are fabulous!! 🙂
November 6, 2017Yesss I know coffee is great for skin and I also love coffee scrubs 🙂
xoxo Sienna