Your Beauty Is Your Confidence: 7 Secrets of Women with Fuller Lips

The Kardashians and others have made plump lips a desired trait among women across the globe.
If your lips aren’t as full as you would like, there are things you can do to improve their appearance. The following are seven secrets of women with fuller lips, ones that you may wish to try for yourself.
1. Consider Professional Help
Some women have tried numerous tips to make the lips look fuller with no luck. Fortunately, there are treatments that can be used to achieve this goal. For example, a woman might wish to consider filler injections.
Several products may be used for this purpose, and a trained technician can be of great help in determining which is right for your specific needs.
2. Exfoliate
Smooth lips reflect more light. When the lips reflect this light, they look fuller and thicker, so be sure to exfoliate on a regular basis. This process also removes any dead skin that can mar your appearance and interfere with proper lipstick application.
No special tools are needed to exfoliate the lips. Simply run a damp toothbrush over the lips, moving the brush in concentric circles throughout the process. Using circular motions helps to boost circulation to the lips, providing them with a rosy glow.
3. Apply a Base Layer
Make use of a hydrating balm after exfoliating the lips. Think of the base coat used on your nails before you apply polish. This hydrating balm serves the same purpose when it comes to the lips. It helps to smooth them before other products are applied and makes them look plumper.
When possible, choose a balm that contains peppermint oil. This also increases circulation to the lips. Give the balm time to soak into the lips before applying other products.
4. Erase the Existing Lip Line
To plump thin lips, remove the existing lip line with the help of a luminous concealer. This is the same type of concealer used under the eyes, and it should be applied to the thin lip line and slightly beyond it. Make sure to blend carefully, so it isn’t visible to others.
5. Create a New Lip Line
Use a natural shade lip liner to create the new lip line above the one that was just erased. Try to stay as close as possible to the original lip line while still achieving the desired goal. If you move too far from the original line, your efforts will be noticeable to others. Nobody wants that.
6. Highlight the Cupid’s Bow
The cupid’s bow is the little dent above the upper lip. To make the lips look fuller, put a dot of highlighter on this dent. When light hits this highlighter, the lips automatically appear larger and plumper.

7. Don’t Ignore the Lower Lip
Women often focus on their upper lip while completely ignoring the lower one. Don’t make this mistake.
Simply dust bronzer under the bottom lip right at the center of the lip. This makes the bottom lip look bigger than it truly is, and it only takes seconds to complete this step for a gorgeous mouth.
Makeup can be of great help when you want fuller lips. However, some women find they need professional help.
Don’t hesitate to seek this help, but take care to choose someone with the proper training in fillers and other treatment options.
You want your smile to be beautiful and the right person can help make this happen.